The Science Behind The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy.
The Alexander Method® bridges the gap between science and spirituality - and we have the scientific research to prove it.
From brain scans to aura imaging to metaphysics, The Alexander Method® makes a significant and permanent change in the body.
Brain Mapping Study
After a 10-Minute Tuning
In 2017, Lisa Alexander hosted an overnight retreat at the esteemed Himalayan Institute's American headquarters in Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Among the attendees was Paula Pugliese, CEO of MindWorks, LLC, a specialist in brain mapping.
Impressed by Lisa's retreat, Paula offered to conduct brain scans on Lisa to track any shifts in her brain activity.
In October 2017, before and after brain maps were captured while Lisa underwent a tuning fork session. Paula conducted baseline scans and then another after a brief 10-minute tuning session (though not as comprehensive as the usual 90-minute session).
The results were immediately apparent, with visible changes highlighted by blue rings indicating significant shifts in brain activity.
After a 90-Minute Tuning
Lisa and Paula were both so impressed with the changes after just 10 minutes, they both wanted to see how a full, 90-minute tuning would impact the brain mapping results.
Lisa recruited one of her earlier students, Diane, to be the subject this time. Diane had been so impressed with the changes she saw in her life as a mid-60-year-old woman who worked full-time as the owner of a dog grooming shop that she also became a practitioner of The Alexander Method®.
Lisa gave Diane a full 90-minute tuning as she would teach in the Self-Tuning class, and the results were even better than Lisa’s had been.
Diane’s brain scans revealed that not only was she entering high gamma states (like a Tibetan monk in meditation), but her heart rate variability (HRV) coherence was better than that of a highly experienced HeartMath meditator.
These results were despite the fact that Paula’s lab is in a sterile office with overhead fluorescent lights and distracting outside noise - a less relaxing setting than the typical The Alexander Method® setting.
Paula stated Diane’s results were beyond her usual findings. Below are Diane’s HRV readings before, during, and after a full Master tuning. The higher the HRV, the better. Her pre-tuning HRV was 7.4; during the tuning, it spiked to 19.9, and after, it settled out at 10.3 - significantly higher than the baseline.
About these brain scans, according to Paula:
Diane’s baseline scans were better than most, according to Paula. Diane attributes this to years of regular tunings. Click to hear what she has to say.
Showed a noticeable difference in her brain activity and coherence before and after tuning.
Before the tuning, she had scattered brain activity in various areas. After the tuning, higher activity parts were much calmer and slowed down.
Scanning a Skeptic
Over the next few years of teaching The Alexander Method®, Lisa received hundreds of emails and texts from clients and practitioners detailing their profound experiences. So, Lisa wanted to invest in yet another study, but with someone who was NOT a previous client and did not receive regular tunings or energy healings, and was somewhat skeptical.
Vlad Potiyevsky agreed to this study, and his scans showed the most significant difference of all. He even admitted he was surprised to see his own results - which took a lot since he was a cynical skeptic before this study.
Before the tuning, his brain showed hyperconnectivity (excess connections associated with brain disorders). The post-tuning readings showed a major shift in the connectivity in normal ranges and a shift from left-brain dominance to right-brain dominance.
Hypoconnectivity is a term used in neuroscience to describe a reduced level of functional connectivity between different brain regions. It is often associated with neurological disorders.
Hyperconnectivity is a term used in medical terminology to explain billions and billions of neurons creating excessive connections within the brain associated with schizophrenia, epileptic seizures or Down Syndrome.
According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance theory, the right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. If you're mostly analytical and methodical in your thinking, you're said to be left-brained.
OURA Ring Readings
The OURA Ring, much like the sleep app on an Apple Watch, allows the wearer to track their sleep habits.
Though we recommend removing all electronic devices, like smartwatches, during a tuning as to not interfere with the energies, an OURA Ring has minimal effect.
During an Advanced Skills demonstration in the Summer of 2022, Lisa worked on a volunteer body, Alaina Molesko, who wore an OURA Ring during her session. Alaina felt that she was awake during the entire tuning, but her OURA Ring told a different story.
The OURA ring recorded a 29-minute nap during the session, reaching 17 minutes of light sleep and even hitting a minute of deep sleep.
Aura Photography
This Kirlian photograph was taken in 2017 of a man who had not received a tuning for at least a year before they were taken. The BEFORE photo represents him prior to a Master Level tuning, which included DNA activation and repair.
The AFTER photograph shows the dramatic shift from the lower chakras to the upper ones, and the white represents his angel that was finally able to get closer to him with his raised vibrations.
The Alexander Method® Halo Affect
Leslie Whitt was a student of Lisa's in late September 2023. This Master Level skills class involved a solid week teaching them about methodology, spirituality, and emotional, mental, and physical transformation.
Leslie received her first master-level tuning during this week-long summit. The day after this tuning, Leslie went for a run in the Pocono Mountains and stopped to take a selfie.
When she first took this photo, she thought something was wrong with her camera. However, she realized it was an actual halo radiating around her head.
We call this The Alexander Method® halo effect - which ONLY comes with a master-level tuning.
One of the many things we do at the Master Level is work on DNA/RNA/Pineal gland repair and activation, along with the gateway chakras above the head. And this picture shows the tangible results!
This photo has no editing or effects added. It is the original photo.
Metaphysics & Intuitive Science
In 2017, Lisa was invited to speak at the Metaphysical Society of New Hope, Pennsylvania. At this event, she discussed The Alexander Method®, metaphysical principles, and how sound, energy, and vibration also work in the 3-D world we live in.
She performed the Solfeggio Frequency Chakra Clearing Meditation (with a divinely inspired guided meditation and beautiful sounds of Solfeggio tuning forks).
Then the participants shared their experiences, including whole-body tingling, abundance of colors, goosebumps, and more. Everyone there was exuding such a positive, calming energy.
Toward the end of the evening, a woman named Jackie Cooper approached Lisa and presented her with a sketch. She's an intuitive artist and drew what she "saw" during the meditation.
It's a beautiful visual interpretation of what can be seen, felt, and experienced during this meditation.
You can experience this for yourself by visiting the Shop and looking at our available meditations.
Jackie and Lisa stayed in touch, and Jackie continued to show her experiences through her art.
First was a psychic reading (which is confidential), with Jackie's drawing shown here. You can see the flow of energy being portrayed in this sketch.
Then, Jackie received a Master-Level tuning.
The master-level tuning begins with the DNA/RNA/Pineal Gland Activation meditation sitting up on the healing table.
We used the signature Pineal Gland Crystal Activation and Gateway Chakra Tuning Fork® Set.
Jackie drew this image to describe her experience with this first meditation.
Next, Jackie was asked to lay face down on the table to begin the main part of the tuning session, clearing her energy fields and chakras, and raising her kundalini energy. This was her mid-session drawing, which requires no explanation.
The next part of the session was on her back, clearing, balancing, aligning, and connecting her chakras to all of her energy centers. Then Jackie created yet another sketch for this portion of the master-level tuning.
It's important to mention Jackie's eyes were closed, and she was wearing an eye mask during this session. During this part of the tuning, we create a figure eight motion, connecting Heaven and Earth (but Jackie could not see this with her eyes). But her drawing shows precisely that.
After this tuning, Jackie experienced a new intensity in her work. Her visions come in faster and clearer, and her artwork took off in a myriad of ways. She attributes all this to her experience with The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy.