Healer Heal Thyself

Image by Krista McKeon

By Guest Blogger: Krista McKeon

Like many in the healing field, I came to this path honestly wanting to heal the obvious (and not so obvious) wounds I carried, but also to help those I care about. As any good healer will tell you, much like an airplane oxygen mask you put on yourself first, you must first work on yourself to heal your own wounds so you can better serve and navigate others through the same fires of transformation.


I started with Reiki in 1999 which naturally incorporates self-care and self-healing in level one. So, it was a very instinctual for me when I became an Alexander Method® practitioner to do self-tunings, especially in the beginning when there were so few of us out there. But I must really credit COVID for giving me the time and opportunity to really focus on that. 


I started doing weekly self-tunings during Pennsylvania’s COVID shutdown when I was not allowed to work in my holistic practice. After a month I discovered that I needed a bit more time between sessions to integrate the changes, which is such an essential part of any healing modality. So, being someone who is very drawn to the lunar cycles, I designated both the full and new moons as my times for self-tunings. To make it a priority in my life, I made sure to schedule it in my calendar so as not to forget. Through all this I saw what a transformative self-healing tool it was. But it was not until January 2024 that it really came into full focus for me. 


The turn of the calendar year into 2024 did not start out very smoothly for me and my family. Due to a forced retirement from the National Guard, my husband was now home in my workspace 24/7 after I had become used to being on my own for many years. Our income and security were now in question until he secured another job, all the while jumping through the military hoops to transition out. Add to that he would also be going for two major surgeries each one week apart that January which I needed to prepare for since I work from home.


Those first few weeks of 2024 were already a highly stressful time by anyone’s standards. Then four days after my husband’s first surgery I received a message that my father had a stroke and was being rushed to the hospital. Despite strained relations with my parents, I immediately rushed to the hospital having a sense this could be the end. I stayed with my family as the doctors assessed him and eventually moved him to neural ICU, not leaving until the end of visiting hours. I returned the next day for a few hours watching this story play out all the while in my head dealing with extraordinarily complex emotions.


When I returned home that evening extremely overwhelmed with these strong emotions, I knew I needed to tend to them the best way I knew how…a self-tuning. As I laid the crystals out on the table, I formed my intentions. I said our opening prayer and performed a Master Tuning on myself as if I were lying there on the table. I cleared several blocks, some even DNA related to my father and his ancestry. By the end, my energy was cleared, my emotions balanced, and I felt more able to manage the week ahead, no matter what it brought.

Self-Tuning Setup

Lay the crystals out as if there was a person on the table.

 To say that Wednesday was a whirlwind would be an understatement. The night before we got the message that it looked worse for my father than originally thought. So, I made plans to head back to the hospital the next day. So, after dropping off my husband for his second surgery at one hospital, I traveled across the valley to another hospital where my father was. I walked into his room to see my mother speaking with palliative care. The next few hours were full of decisions and greeting relatives making their last visits with him. After being taken back to ICU that evening, I said my goodbye, just in case it was my last, and then raced back across the valley to pick up my husband from his surgery to take him home. On the ride home, my niece informed me of the plan to give my father meds for his breathing, but that because of them, this could be it. So, I dropped off my husband and raced back to the ICU where I found my father struggled to breathe. After a couple of hours and the meds not doing what we expected, I realized that he did not want us present when he passed. So, we left. A couple of hours later, he peacefully made his transition.


Then came the funeral planning and the services themselves. Anyone who has done this knows how much goes into that.


But because I took the time to give myself a self-tuning, even in the midst of the chaos erupting around me, I was able to more clearly manage the myriad of emotions that arose, the tasks that needed to be done, and the stress that came with all of it. Seeing how impactful self-tunings have been in my life, and in this specific incident, I have made it part of my mission as Director of Education for Vibrational Energy Institute to make sure that all of our practitioners understand the powerful self-healing tool they quite literally hold in their hands.


Therefore, if you are currently a practitioner and are NOT performing self-tunings for yourself, you do not know the healing you are missing out on. If you are unsure of how to perform a self-tuning, check your school account under Foundational Skills: Techniques and you will find it all there. If you have further questions, you know how to contact me.

NOT a practitioner yet, but want to be? Sign up HERE!

 So, what are you waiting for? Go Get Forked® and tune yourself TODAY!


Krista McKeon

Director of Education

Vibrational Energy Institute

The Exclusive Home for The Alexander Method®



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